Monday, November 30, 2009

Ramblings of a Sojourner

I refuse to live without his presence...
without his light...
I refuse to walk without his hand in mine...
without his closeness

There is no one else that makes my heart sing...
No one else that renews my joy...
God, please don't allow me to fall for the things of this world...
Because only Your way, Your love, and Your will fulfill me.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick....homesick for Heaven?
I want to be there, in that place where God is...
bowing down at His throne, thinking about NOTHING but Him.
seeing NOTHING but His glory.
consumed by His holiness and beauty.
The more I know Him, the more I realize how little I know about Him....

or anything.

Have I ever had a moment where my heart and mind were completely focused on Him?
Not distracted at all, not even for a moment?
How can I tune out the world when it is all around me?
Where is that quiet place I yearn for?
The place where it is just He and I and we can be intimate together?
God, I want to come up higher.
I want to hear the angels cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy".
I want to join in their mighty chorus with my small voice and testify of Your

Take me to that place...

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